Barcoustica - Android Application

The Barcoustica Android application is a user application through which communication with the Jukebox central system is performed..

  • The application shows a playlist from which it is possible to order a song.
  • The application displays information about the song currently being listened to in real time.
  • The application displays notifications in the form of promotional text and received broadcast messages.
  • By clicking on the main banner, the application will redirect you to the website of the store where you are currently located.
  • The application supports a maximum of 4 advertisers.
  • Clicking on an advertiser’s banner will take you to the advertiser’s website.
  • When you start the application, it automatically connects to the Jukebox central system, which is connected to the same wifi network.


Barcoustica Android Application can be downloaded from Google Play or manually from this link.

The Android application communicates with the PC application via WiFi. In order for the application to find a server in the local wifi network, the mobile phone must be connected to the same wifi network.  If the application starts but the mobile phone is not connected to wifi, a notification will appear. After connecting to the network, the application will find the server and download the data. 


Message: Jukebox not found on WiFi network

Solution: Check if Jukebox Player runs on the connected WiFi network.

Explanation: Barscoustica Android application was not able to find Jukebox Player on the network.

.Message: Your WiFi adapter is turned off.

Solution: Please turn ON  WiFi adapter on your mobile phone and connect to local WiFi network.

Explanation: Barscoustica Jukebox Sound System communicates with the Player over the local WiFi network.

Click on the song you selected and click the  button that will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the Vinyl icon to refresh playlist.

  • Search for a song by name, artist or album.
  • The song can be ordered directly from the search results
  • As a confirmation of a successfully completed order, you will receive a notification with the ordinal number of your order.
  • When it’s your turn, you will receive a feedback notification in the form of a change of color and icon within the application as well as a vibrating notification

  • The banner in the application header is the logo of the coffee bar you are in.
  • By clicking on the picture you will be redirected to the website of that caffee.
  • At the bottom of the application are a maximum of 4 ads.
  • Clicking on the banner will redirect you to that advertiser’s website. notification
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