PC Application

The PC application is the heart of the Jukebox Sound System through which the entire system is controlled.

  • The PC application is used for system management, receiving orders and playing mp3 files.
  • The system is based on the Java programming language

How To


Jukebox tab

Barcoustica is an application based on the Java programming language. If you do not have Java installed, please install it 
 This is the first demo version of the Barcoustica app and there is no installer for now
  1. Download Barcoustica.zip file
  2. unzip in folder 
  3. double click on Barcoustica.exe
  4. allow connection in the firewall
  5. Depending on the installed antivirus and firewall software, communication should be enabled by opening ports for local communication.
  6. PORTS to be opened: 33521, 33358, 34521, 55556

Songs can be inserted into the player one by one or as a whole folder.

Browse for folder (file) buttons can be found under File menu option and in the GUI.

The PC application is an application used to collect requests from the Android application and play MP3 files. It consists of 2 sections: Jukebox and Settings. The Jukebox section consists of the following windows: Playlist, Orders List, Song Details, History and Search. The playlist contains all the songs entered in the player. The Orders List contains all the orders. Upon a request to order a song via the Android Application, the Order is placed in the Orders List at the end of the line.





The playlist contains all songs that can be ordered. When a song is ordered, it will appear in the Orders List.

The Orders list contains a list of all ordered songs. Each new order is placed at the end of the Orders List. Songs are played in order of ordering. If there are no new orders, the songs will be played randomly from the Playlist

  • Auto play
  • Mute
  • Random
  • Auto scroll

Search options:

  • Playlist
  • Orders list
  • History
Every item contains links to all other lists.
  • The basic way to order a song is through the Android application. The song can also be added to the orders list directly from the player.

Options for adding song  from player:

Add to orders:   Song is added at the end of the Orders List

Add Next:   The song will be added to the orders list right after the current song and the next one will be played.

Add Next And Play:  The song will be added to the orders list immediately after the current song and will be played immediately. The previous song will be interrupted and the added song will start immediately.


Add Next:   The song will be added to the orders list right after the current song and the next one will be played.

Add Next And Play:  The song will be added to the orders list immediately after the current song and will be played immediately. The previous song will be interrupted and the added song will start immediately.

When autoscroll is checked, the marker in the playlist will automatically jump to the current song.

Settings Tab

Notification will be sent to all Android devices connected to the Jukebox Server in real time


Image logo: Logo of your Coffee Bar

URL: If you click on the main banner, you will be redirected to the URL that you set yourself. It can be your website or a link to one of the social networks where you have a profile.

Promotion text: Promotion text will be displayed in the android application above your banner. For example: visit us every day from 19:00-20:00 because you will get a free beer 🙂

Save:  After each change of data in the Personal info tab, you must save the changes by pressing the Save button.

The Advertising section contains a maximum of 4 advertisers that you configure yourself.

By clicking on the checkbox, you will enable or disable a certain advertiser

Each advertiser will have a separate Name, URL link and banner. By clicking on the advertiser’s image, the user will be sent to the given URL address.Browse

NOTE: Click on Save button after each change.


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